We would like to welcome you to our NMR for life sciences conference, organised by the CEISAM research institute at University of Nantes jointy with the University of Toronto. The aim of this event is to gather a broad community of experienced and young scientists working in the field of NMR in life sciences. After the success of the 2020 and 2021 events that focused on benchtop NMR, we believe that the upcoming event should offer a broader coverage of NMR application fields. These include, among others, methods development, instrumentation, hyperpolarization, metabolites and biomacromolecules, ex and in vivo metabolism as well as metabolomics.

The conference will also provide many oral communication and poster slots for early-career scientists. In order to maximize interactions between participants, we invite you to join us on an interactive space dedicated to the conference on the gather.town platform. There, you will easily be able to control a character and hopefully find some of the conviviality that a classical conference would offer, in small groups walking around the virtual space or around the posters displayed in a virtual poster room. Alternatively, lectures and oral presentations will also be directly visible by zoom link.  

We encourage submissions on all topics of magnetic resonance including spectroscopy, relaxometry and imaging. Registration and abstract submission are opened until August 27, 2023 for oral and/or poster presentations.

Your participation will contribute to the success of this event.

Confirmed invited speakers:

Plenary speakers

- Corinne Rondeau-Mouro (INRAE Rennes France)

- Arthur Edison (Georgia University USA)

- Isabelle Marcotte (Québec University of Montréal Canada)

- Patrick Giraudeau (Nantes University France)

- Véronique Gilard (Toulouse University France)

- Andre Simpson (University of Toronto Canada)


Keynote speakers

- François-Xavier Theillet (Université Paris-Saclay France)

- Hélène Launay (Aix Marseille Université France)

- Leah Casabianca (Clemson University USA)

- Guilhem Pagès (INRAE Theix France)

- Isabelle Krimm (CRCL Lyon France)

- Cyril Charlier (TBI Toulouse France)


Hope to see you on October!

Andre and Jonathan


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